It's been a fast 3 weeks since Bury Our Secrets has been in the wild. I've largely been off the radar because myself and my family have had the difficult time of saying goodbye to my grandparents. We scattered their ashes in the ocean beside Busselton Jetty, where the old sailing club used to be, as that was a big part of their lives. So, it's pretty close to home as far as my novel is concerned - part of it is set at Busselton Jetty, and it largely deals with death. But death is a part of life, and we said goodbye how we wanted to (and how they wanted us to), and nobody kept any dark secrets like the ones in my novel (that I know of), so overall it was a memory to treasure.

I cannot thank everyone enough for their support of Bury Our Secrets. Sales are taking off. I'm seeing it advertised in bookstores worldwide, both print and digital editions. It's in my local City of Stirling libraries, and signed print copies are at my local Dymocks Joondalup.
There is an upcoming sale of the digital (eBook) version on Smashwords - I'll announce this on 5th March, when it starts. Prices for the print edition are down on Amazon, too.
If you have read a copy of Bury Our Secrets, please leave a review - Google, GoodReads, bookstores, your blog, your local barista, strangers you bump into down the street... anywhere!
Remember, Bury Our Secrets is part of the Henry Herbert series. Because of that, I imagine some people are going to be frustrated with the ending. A major storyline is tied up, with Henry having to make some very difficult choices that will impact his family. But not every question is answered - there are plot threads that will continue in the second novel, which I'm currently editing. Books 1-4 all involve the Lillian thread (a person Henry's uncle asks him to find for the funeral). Books 1 and 2 are basically like Part 1 and Part 2. They will tie one BIG story up. Then Henry will get his first case as a [secret for now] in Book 3, and will travel with his family in Book 4 to wrap up things with the Lillian angle. For those who join me on this series, I cannot thank you enough.
Take care, and hug your loved ones.